How much weight can the Gard-N-Hook handle?
We've tested it out to what we think people will do with it. So we know it will lift 50 pounds to a display hook nine feet above the ground. And that requires using a sturdy extension pole. We also dragged a plastic storage box with 90-pounds of pebbles for 100 feet. And back, so... more.
How heavy is the Gard-N-Hook?
5 ounces. More with an extension pole! REMEMBER: an extension pole is NOT included with our Gard-N-Hook. Poles are available at box stores. hardware stores and online. We simply can't compete with them AND, there are so different poles, we'd never get it right for everyone.
What's with the red tip?
The red beak is the safety end of the hook (see video clip: "Nothing Slides Off The Beak!"). It's there to keep whatever you're lifting up -- or putting down -- from sliding off the end of the hook. It's red so you can use it as a sightline to easily judge distance and location when doing a lift or retrieval (we're trying to call a "retrieval" a "get" because you're going to "get" whatever it is -- so far it's not catching on).
Can I use the Gard-N-Hook to hang holiday decorations, wreaths, and garlands?
You bet. You can lift wreaths over decorations, packages on the floor and egg nog on the side table without dragging in a ladder to fall off of. You can hang any decoration with the Gard-N-Hook on a larger tree, over fireplaces, on your outside gutters, and on top of snow banks and berms (without taking off your slippers).
My storage shed looks like it was organized by army ant hoarders. Can I use the Gard-N-Hook to snake out luggage, bank boxes, and anything with a handle?
Well, yeah. While we were doing our testing we did exactly that. Check out the last video clip on the home page. The thing is, however, it's not designed to push the boxes back into hoarderville. It'll unload the shed just fine, but after that you're on your own about getting everything back in.
What does Gizmo49 mean?
"Gizmo" is what we called the GARD-N-HOOK before we named it because... well, that's what it is, right? It's the perfect definition of a gizmo -- something there's no name for and you can't describe. But no one is going to Google "Gizmo Hook" because why would they? We had to work the word "garden" into a product name because the hook was designed to work in the garden industry, so "Gard-N-Hook" was born.
But we needed a website for other products coming online so we went with what we knew: a whole site of gizmos! And 49? That stands for Alaska, my home state, the 49th in the union, and the absolute ground zero for all things gizmo. In Alaska, gizmos rule!
Father of Gard-N-Hook
We've tested it out to what we think people will do with it. So we know it will lift 50 pounds to a display hook nine feet above the ground. And that requires using a sturdy extension pole. We also dragged a plastic storage box with 90-pounds of pebbles for 100 feet. And back, so... more.
How heavy is the Gard-N-Hook?
5 ounces. More with an extension pole! REMEMBER: an extension pole is NOT included with our Gard-N-Hook. Poles are available at box stores. hardware stores and online. We simply can't compete with them AND, there are so different poles, we'd never get it right for everyone.
What's with the red tip?
The red beak is the safety end of the hook (see video clip: "Nothing Slides Off The Beak!"). It's there to keep whatever you're lifting up -- or putting down -- from sliding off the end of the hook. It's red so you can use it as a sightline to easily judge distance and location when doing a lift or retrieval (we're trying to call a "retrieval" a "get" because you're going to "get" whatever it is -- so far it's not catching on).
Can I use the Gard-N-Hook to hang holiday decorations, wreaths, and garlands?
You bet. You can lift wreaths over decorations, packages on the floor and egg nog on the side table without dragging in a ladder to fall off of. You can hang any decoration with the Gard-N-Hook on a larger tree, over fireplaces, on your outside gutters, and on top of snow banks and berms (without taking off your slippers).
My storage shed looks like it was organized by army ant hoarders. Can I use the Gard-N-Hook to snake out luggage, bank boxes, and anything with a handle?
Well, yeah. While we were doing our testing we did exactly that. Check out the last video clip on the home page. The thing is, however, it's not designed to push the boxes back into hoarderville. It'll unload the shed just fine, but after that you're on your own about getting everything back in.
What does Gizmo49 mean?
"Gizmo" is what we called the GARD-N-HOOK before we named it because... well, that's what it is, right? It's the perfect definition of a gizmo -- something there's no name for and you can't describe. But no one is going to Google "Gizmo Hook" because why would they? We had to work the word "garden" into a product name because the hook was designed to work in the garden industry, so "Gard-N-Hook" was born.
But we needed a website for other products coming online so we went with what we knew: a whole site of gizmos! And 49? That stands for Alaska, my home state, the 49th in the union, and the absolute ground zero for all things gizmo. In Alaska, gizmos rule!
Father of Gard-N-Hook